Mac finder rename multiple files
Mac finder rename multiple files

mac finder rename multiple files

To do this from the command line, type the following syntax replacing with your files and filenames as desired: The command line is a bit more advanced, but you can also rename any file or directory via the Terminal. Advanced Method 4: Rename a file or folder via command line This works great, but it’s only available to the newest versions of OS X. If you right-click (or control+click) on a file name in the Finder of modern versions of OS X, you can choose a “Rename” option to rename a specific file, or use it to rename multiple files at a time if multiple files are selected.

mac finder rename multiple files

Method 3: Using right-click and choosing “Rename” from the menu Type in the new name, then hit return or click away with the mouse cursor to set the change. Super simple and done through the Finder, here’s what you want to do: after you have selected the icon, click on the actual filename text and hover for a moment with the mouse cursor, you’ll see the text highlight which indicates that you can then rename the item. Method 2: Rename a file or folder by selecting it and clicking on the filename with your cursor This is quick and simple, and likely the most traditional method of renaming on the Mac. Just click on the icon of the file/folder from the OS X Finder, and then hit the return key, then type in the new name. Also, if you have any issues, or if you know of any other methods to rename multiple files on macOS Sierra, do let us know in the comments section below.Method 1: Rename a file or folder by selecting it and hitting the ‘return’ key So, did you know about this method for renaming multiple files on Mac, or were you using another method? We’d love to know your thoughts. This will definitely make it easier for you to manage multiple files, quickly, and efficiently. Renaming files is one of the basic functionality that people expect from a computer, and with this, you can now rename multiple files at the same time. SEE ALSO: How to Open Apps from Unidentified Developers in macOS Sierra Easily Rename Multiple Files in Mac The batch rename tool in macOS’ Finder is very great, and flexible. So, the next time you want to rename multiple files in one go on your Mac, look no further than ““.

mac finder rename multiple files

When you click on Rename, all the file names get changed according to your settings. You type in the word that you want to replace, and the word you want to replace it with. Replace Text, on the other hand, works kind of like “ Find and Replace“.

Mac finder rename multiple files